# OpenDTU logger OpenDTU logger connects to the OpenDTU livedata websocket and captures metrics. These metrics are inserted into a PostgreSQL database. Optionally, TimescaleDB can be used. ## PostgreSQL setup ```sql CREATE DATABASE opendtu_logger; CREATE USER opendtu_logger WITH password 'SECRET'; GRANT ALL privileges ON DATABASE opendtu_logger TO opendtu_logger; GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO opendtu_logger; ``` Optional: enable TimescaleDB extension ```sql \c opendtu_logger CREATE EXTENSION OF NOT EXISTS timescaledb; ``` ## Environment variables ```conf REMOTE_URL="opendtu:80" DB_URL="host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=secret dbname=dtu sslmode=disable" TIMESCALEDB_ENABLED="true" TZ="Europe/Amsterdam" ```