# ChatGPT prompt Please write a golang program that subscribes to an mqtt topic which outputs the following payload ```json {"t":"231205164749W","dt1":830959,"dt2":729319,"rt1":33727,"rt2":111841,"d":224,"r":0,"f":18,"fl":17,"g":426077,"v1":219,"v2":227,"v3":223,"c1":0,"c2":0,"c3":0,"d1":84,"d2":50,"d3":90,"r1":0,"r2":0,"r3":0} ``` T is the Timestamp in Timezone Europe/Amsterdam and format YYMMDDhhmmss. The letter at the end of the timestamp can be either "W" for Winter or "S" for Summer and indicates daylight savings time. The data should be inserted into a configurable postgres database with structure ```sql CREATE TABLE p1 ( timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ, delivered_tariff1 INT, delivered_tariff2 INT, returned_tariff1 INT, returned_tariff2 INT, delivery_all INT, returning_all INT, failures INT, long_failures INT, gas INT, voltage_l1 INT, voltage_l2 INT, voltage_l3 INT, current_l1 INT, current_l2 INT, current_l3 INT, delivery_l1 INT, delivery_l2 INT, delivery_l3 INT, returning_l1 INT, returning_l2 INT, returning_l3 INT ); CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS timescaledb; SELECT create_hypertable('p1', 'timestamp', if_not_exists => TRUE); ``` The connections should be configured using the following environment variables ```conf MQTT_BROKER=tls://mqtt.example.com:8883 MQTT_TOPIC=p1/# MQTT_USERNAME=your_mqtt_username MQTT_PASSWORD=your_mqtt_password PG_DB='host=localhost port=5432 user=p1 password=secret-replace dbname=p1 sslmode=disable' ``` The program should be usable in production and should automatically recover on database or mqtt service interruptions.