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Installation instructions

These instructions contain 3 steps:

  1. This add-on requires a PostgreSQL database, optionally with TimescaleDB support. In this example, we'll Expaso's TimescaleDB add-on in order to store data.
  2. Then, we install OpenDTU Logger to connect to OpenDTU and record inverter data into the database.
  3. Finally, we setup Grafana to visualise the data recorded by OpenDTU Logger.

Install Expaso's TimescaleDB add-on

  1. In Home Assistant, go to Settings -> Add-ons -> Add-on store
  2. Click the three dots in the top-right corner, select 'Repositories'.
  3. Add https://github.com/Expaso/hassos-addons .

After a few seconds, the TimescaleDB add-on should appear in the add-on store. Install it. After installing TimescaleDB, go to Configuration. Click the three dots in the top-right corner and select "Edit in YAML". Then, make the following changes:

  • Add opendtu_logger to databases and timescaledb_enabled like so:
  - homeassistant
  - opendtu_logger
  - homeassistant
  - opendtu_logger

Leave the other settings as-is. Save the configuration, go to the "Info" tab and start TimescaleDB.

Setting up OpenDTU Logger

With the database initialised, we can now setup OpenDTU Logger. Add the add-on repository using the instructions provided. Then, click "Install" to install this add-on. Go to "Configuration" and set the following variables:

  • db
    • If you're using Expaso's TimescaleDB add-on as described above, the db setting will not require any changes.
  • opendtu_address (required)
    • In the opendtu_address field, enter the IP address or hostname of your OpenDTU. E.g.: or opendtu.local.
  • opendtu_auth (optional) / (required)
    • If your OpenDTU is password-protected, setting the following variables is required.
    • opendtu_auth: If applicable, enable this setting.
    • opendtu_username: admin
    • opendtu_password: write_your_OpenDTUs__password_here
    • Using password protection is optional, but recommended.
  • tz (required)
    • In tz, enter your timezone identifier.
    • Default value: Europe/Amsterdam
    • If you are living in a different location, you can find the timezone identifier of your location using this list.
  • timescaledb (optional)
    • If you don't want to use TimescaleDB, disable timescaledb.
  • log_level
    • By default, log_level is set to INFO, which is recommended for most users.
    • Other valid options are DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR.

Save the configuration and go back to the "Info" tab.

  • Make sure to enable the "Watchdog" on the "Info" tab so OpenDTU Logger automatically restarts after e.g. connection interruptions to your OpenDTU.
  • Finally, start OpenDTU Logger.

Check the "Log" page. If the setup is succesfull, it should contain a message stating: OpenDTU Logger has been successfully initialised. Starting data recording....

Setting up Grafana

From the Home Assistant Community Add-ons repository, install Grafana. Click "Start" to start the add-on and enable "Show in sidebar". Grafana will now appear in the sidebar. Open it.

  • In the top-left corner, click the three bars (open menu) -> Connections.
  • Using the search box, enter PostgreSQL. Click the resulting "PostgreSQL".
  • In the top-right corner, click "Add new data source"
  • Use the following settings
    • Name: opendtu_logger
    • Host URL: 77b2833f-timescaledb
    • Database name: opendtu_logger
    • Username: postgres
    • Password: homeassistant
    • Version: 16 or the closest version to it.
    • TimescaleDB: Toggle the switch to enable TimescaleDB support.
  • Click "Save and Test". A "Database Connection OK" message should appear.
  • In the top-right corner, click the + sign, "Import dashboard".
  • Go to https://git.hollander.online/energy/opendtu-logger/src/branch/main/grafana
    • In this folder, a number of sample dashboards is available.
    • For a complete overview of all collected data
      • For English, use PV.json.
      • For Dutch, use Zonnepanelen.json.
    • Click the dashboard you want, and then "Raw".
      • Copy and paste the text into the "Import via dashboard JSON model" box.
      • Click "Load".
    • In the energy field, select opendtu_logger as the data source.
    • Click import. You should now be able to view the data, collected by OpenDTU Logger and stored into TimescaleDB.
    • Feel free to try out the other dashboards as well.

Configuring OpenDTU

In order for OpenDTU Logger to work properly, it is required to ensure the following OpenDTU settings are used.

  • Within OpenDTU, go to Settings -> Inverter settings (http://YOUR_OPENDTU_IP_ADDRESS/settings/inverter).
  • For each inverter in the inverter list, click on the pencil (Edit inverter) and go to Advanced.
  • Enable Zero daily yield at midnight and Clear Eventlog at midnight.
  • Click Save
  • Repeat this procedure for every inverter.

By default, OpenDTU sends data every 5 seconds. This can be adjusted by changing the "Poll interval" setting in <http://YOUR_OPENDTU_IP_ADDRESS/settings/dtu.

Security notice

Using the aforementioned steps, you should now have a working OpenDTU Logger setup. However, it is important to keep your data safe. Expaso recommends changing the default postgres homeassistant password. I recommend following their recommendation and also installing the pgAdmin4 add-on using the instructions they provide. In case you're doing this after setting up OpenDTU Logger, remember to also update the password value in the db variable of the OpenDTU Logger configuration . Additionally, update the password in the Grafana data source connection settings using the Grafana web interface.


  • Error: "level":"INFO","msg":"websocket: bad handshake"}
    • Authentication is probably misconfigured. Ensure opendtu_auth is set to enabled and a valid opendtu_username and opendtu_password are set.
  • OpenDTU Logger crashes and doesn't restart.
    • This may happen when e.g. the connection to the OpenDTU websocket or database is interrupted. Restarts are handled by Home Assistant. Make sure that 'Watchdog' is enabled on the add-on info page.


If you'd like to provide feedback about this project, or in case you'd like to ask questions, please refer to this page for contact information (e-mail, Github or LinkedIn), or use the contact form on my website. You can also respond by placing your remarks in this discussion on Github.